Application of Emissions Quantification Tool (EQT) for Estimation of GHGs / SLCPs from Waste Management sector


The Paris Agreement adopted on 12 December 2015 is a legally binding international treaty on climate change to limit global temperature by 1.5-2 degrees Celsius, compared to pre-industrial levels. Based on Paris Agreement (Article 4, paragraph 2), it is mandatory for countries to communicate and maintain their GHG mitigation plan through their NDCs to the UNFCCC secretariat. Similarly, Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) member countries including Thailand and Indonesia have to report the Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCP) emissions and its mitigation plan to CCAC.

Under such circumstances, IGES in partnership with CCAC has developed Emission Quantification Tool (EQT) which is an excel-based simple calculation model which considers emissions across all phases of material life cycle; from collection to transportation, processing, treatment, and final disposal. The EQT is intended to be used specifically by local governments, policymakers, and practitioners engaged in the municipal solid waste sector because it enables them to estimate and monitor the GHGs and SLCPs emissions from solid waste management sector. It can also estimate emissions against several proposed scenarios aimed at guiding the identification of climate-friendly waste management options and alternatives for city/country as well as tracking the mitigation progress over time.


  1. To introduce application of  EQT for quantification of GHG (and SLCP) emissions from MSWM sector
  2. Evaluation to explore the potential application of EQT in the IMT region


AGENDA (GMT+8 Malaysia Time)

Moderator: Mr. Mohammad Akhir (CIMT Deptuy Director)

2:30-2:45pm: Opening Remarks

- Firdaus Dahlan, Director of CIMT

- Mr. Pavich Kesavawong, Director of Foreign Affairs Division, Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Thailand (WGE Chairman)

- Premakumara Jagath Dickella Gamaralalage, Director, IGES-CCET


2:45-3:45pm(60  min) : About SLCPs and EQT 

Application of EQT for quantification of GHG and SLCP emissions from MSWM (with Interactive discussion)

Presenter: Rajeev Kumar Singh, Policy Researcher, IGES-CCET

Session Moderator: Miho Hayashi, Programme Manager, IGES-CCET


3:45-4:00pm (15min): Way Forward and Evaluation (Q and A)

Session Moderator: Miho Hayashi, Programme Manager, IGES-CCET


4:00pm: Closing remarks

Firdaus Dahlan, Director, CIMT



February 14, 2022
Registration Deadline

On line






Ministry of Environment, Japan

English, Thai, Bahasa Indonesia