Along with national and city level waste management strategy development, CCET has been assisting partner countries/cities in developing environmental education tools targeting young generation for sustainable waste and resource management.
Development of Educational Material for Promoting 3R in Primary Education in Bhutan |
Development of the Phnom Penh Waste Management Strategy and Action Plan 2018-2035 |
Development of Plastic Waste Management Strategy and Action Plan for Greater Hyderabad Municipal Cooperation (GHMC) |
The Development of a City- (Regency) Level Waste Management and Action Plan in the Lake Toba Region |
Development of Strategic Actions Plan on Plastic Waste Reduction |
Development of Regional Waste Management Strategy and Action Plan for Zone 6 in the Maldives |
Development of Waste Management Strategy and Action Plan for Mandalay City (2017-2030) |
Development of the National Waste Management Strategy and Master Plan for Myanmar (2018-2030) |
Making Galle City Plastic Waste Free |
Pilot project in Negombo City |
Waste Management Strategy and Action Plan for Negombo City, Sri Lanka, 2020-2030 |
Safe Closure and Rehabilitation of Municipal Solid Waste Dumpsites |
E-Learning Course on Waste Bank System
Policymakers and practitioners in other countries and cities have expressed a keen interest in learning from Indonesia’s experience of setting up a waste bank system. To this end, the IGES Centre Collaborating with UNEP on Environmental Technologies (CCET) joined with the Institut Teknologi Sepuluuh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya, Universitas Bandar Lampung and Griya Luhu, Bali to develop an eLearning Waste Bank Course to provide detailed information on waste bank systems.
South Asia
Policy Dialogue Towards Sustainable Waste and Resource Management in South Asia
South Asia is predicted to be one of the largest sources of waste generation in the orld, estimated at 661 million tonnes/year by 2050. Given this context, CCET works with governments, as well as regional and international partners, to achieve sustainable waste and resource management throughout the sub-region.