Webinar on ‘Enhancing Circular Economy Perspectives in Plastic Waste Management - Strategies for Indian Cities’

ICLEI South Asia and the CCET has supported Greater Hyderabad Municipal

Corporation (GHMC) in developing its Plastic Waste Management Strategy and Action Plan under the financial assistance of the Government of Japan through the IETC, UNEP. As part of cities’ outreach, capacity building and knowledge dissemination activities, a joint webinar on developing
plastic waste management strategies for Indian cities in the context of circular economy, particularly through the learning and challenges identified during the course of the project. This is an attempt to bring municipal officials, decision makers, policy makers, experts and urban practitioners and other stakeholders together to explore different avenues for managing plastic waste through the lens of circular economy.

25th March, 2021/11:30 A.M. – 1:30 P.M in Indian time (15:00 - 17:00 PM in Japan time)
Registration Deadline

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