IGES/CCET co-organized an awareness program to Development Officers under Ministry of Environment Sri Lanka


"Awareness Program to Development Officers under Ministry of Environment" conducted by the Ministry of Environment, Sri Lanka, under the “Marine Litter and Microplastics” (NORAD1) project in collaboration with the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) and HELP-O Sri Lanka was held March 16. IGES made financial and technical contributions to the event's success through its expertise in environmental technology.  The inputs provided on international experiences on traditional and digital tools applications in effective management of plastic waste to reduce marine litter and microplastics were appreciated by Development officers attached to the ministry of environment Sri Lanka. IGES researcher Dr. Amila Abeynayaka participated on behalf of IGES and provided technical guidance at the event.


Link: MOE-Sri Lanka page 

1) Awareness program to Development Officers under Ministry of Environment

Dr. Anila Jasinghe, Secretary to the Ministry of Environment

IGES/CCET researcher Dr. Abeynayaka
